
Pastor Cliff's Blog


Today I was reminded how important it is know we are now living as new covenant believers. It is essential that we focus on the truth that we are no longer under the law of sin and death but live in the law of spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

Why is this needful in our walk ? If we think we are in Moses' law then we will be doing works to prove we are accepted by the Lord. The law given by Moses was about works and doing what was right to recieve blesings. Today we walk in the finished work of Christ on the cross where he defeated the devil and brought us into the new convenat walk leaning on Him and reigning in life because of His victory.

So we overcome by what Jesus has done and He shares with us the victory. 

Today our walk in God is lead by the Spirit within Romans 8:14.

So today, Gods law in our hearts (Hebrews 10:16) and the heart relationship with the Lord. So we walk an overcoming life from our relationship from the heart with Jesus.

Pastor Cliff


Hi Everyone,

Just here thinking how do we grow in the Lord? Well, there are many answers to this question, I am going share a few thoughts on this. I have discovered that when we go through hard times, we are enlarged in the Lord (Psalm 4:1 and Psalm 18:19). We must keep our heart pure during these times, as complaining we remain static. So during trials, we must learn to praise The Lord and we WILL grow. I would like share another thought, I have learnt the more we focus on Jesus the more we grow (1 Corinthians 3:18), as we seek the Lord, allow His love to help us change and grow in Him.

The Lord wants us to spend time with Him, (Isaiah 40:31) as we do so, expect The Lord to answer. Should change be required, He will show us in a loving way where this is needed. 

Pastor Cliff


Hi Everyone,

It has been a long time since I have done a blog, this is due to the growth of the ministry.

So I am now taken time to right a short blog.

I find the book off Romans a great help to me in this walk of grace. So many of the chapters make it clear we are not under law but under grace. Romans 8:2 is clear on that, also Romans 5:17-19 mentions the gift of righteousness. I would just like to share what I have been looking at in Romans 6:13-14. It is important what we yield too, as verse 13 says we must 'yield ourselves to God not to sin and know that we are righteous in Christ Jesus'. It is also repeated in verse 16. So to overcome in our Christian life we must yield to the life of Jesus within and we will overcome.

Pastor Cliff


Hi Everyone,

I was listening to a wonderful song by 'Fourth Man In The Fire' by Mellisa Hesler. You today might be a fire like the three Hebrew men were, but Jesus was with them in it. He was the fourth man in the fire and they came put untouched - just set free from there ropes. Today in our trials The Lord is with you and through it is taking away things of culture. He is causing us to lean on Him and we will overcome and be more like Him when we pass through this trial of fire. So today be encouraged The Lord is enlarging you in what might feel like distress (Psalm 18:19 and Psalm 4:1). He is your fourth man in the fire (Daniel 3). So you will be safe as He is with you.

Pastor Cliff


Hi Everyone,

I have been reminded today that I have not done a blog for quite a few months.

As we enter a new year The Lord always wants to speak to us and give us a plan and word for the year. I am going to share what I feel The Lord is saying to us as a group. He spoke very clearly saying this a year of 'INCREASE'.

I got the scriptures Isaiah 43:18-19, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10. What I believe The Lord is saying to us is that the old has passed away, new things shall spring forth as the verses say in Isaiah 43. In Corinthians 1:9-10 it states eye hath not seen what God can but the Lord will show by his spirit to us as we look to Him.

So I believe you must let go of the past year move into increase in 2024, The Lord is going increase in a big way (Ephesians 3:20). So expect The Lord to do great things in your life this year. 'INCREASE'

Pastor Cliff